Saturday, June 04, 2005

The end, again?

I got into this blogging business last year after a conversation with my friend Michael Robertson in San Francisco. I had dinner with him and his wonderful wife while I was out there on vacation, and he told me about this blog he had started as part of a project he was working on while on sabbatical from his teaching position at the University of San Francisco. I started reading his blog and decided to give it a try myself. And here I am.

Michael's blog went through about three iterations, if I recall, changing its name and its focus (the identity-crisis thing). Finally it emerged under the title of "Darwin's Cat," which sort of echoes Pavlov's Dog, but I am not sure the blog ever had anything to do with cats, and as a cat person, I can tell you that cats do not salivate unless they are about to throw up. But I digress.

At any rate, after a year of writing his blog, Michael has given it up. I guess it was a project with a finite life and that life is now complete (I think it was originally intended to be research for a book on writing newspaper columns, but Michael quickly learned that a blog is not a newspaper column but its own animal entirely.)

But doggone it, what poor timing! Look at all the endings I have had to deal with in the space of one month!

May 13: Star Trek ends, after a 17-year continuous run on television
May 19: Star Wars ends, after a 28-year run since the first movie came out
May 30: Darwin's Cat ends, after a year's run.

Now what am I supposed to do for entertainment???

It is going to be a long, long summer...

So I guess I will have to start writing more often in this blog, for my own entertainment if nothing else. Sheesh.

As we say in the church, I am sure God's hand is in this somewhere.

Pastor Kathy

1 comment:

....J.Michael Robertson said...

But now I have time to read my friends' blogs and make appropriate comments -- thoughtful and constructively rude!

The Late Great DC